Following the establishment of elections committee, the team constituted an elections framework to facilitate KUSAF elections of 2011.The schedule is as follows

The tenure for the current office is coming to a close with elections on Monday 5th September 2011.The elections shall be held at Kim Tae Hall at 10:00PM.The following rules and procedures shall apply:

1. The office term is one year-two semesters.
2. The maximum term in office is limited to two years.
3. Any person who has been a member for at least one semester is eligible for election.
4. There shall be three nominees for each position.
5. A nominee for any position must be proposed and seconded for candidacy.
6. Voting shall be conducted through secret ballots.
7. There shall be four ballot papers for each position.
8. The following offices shall be filled
1) President
2) Secretary
3) Treasurer
4) Events’ Coordinator
9. There shall be an elections officer to conduct the exercise.
10. The Elections Officer shall tally the ballots after voting.
11. The official announcement of the election shall be done immediately after the vote count.
12. The Elections Officer shall write a wrap up report. This report shall include; suggestions, gripes and praises.

In this year’s election, Mr. David Lee will be the elections officer. The current office bearers have been in office for two terms and are therefore not eligible.

About kusaf

Kosin University Students from Africa Forum. Raising Christian Leaders to Transform Africa

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