KUSAF held a successful election which saw new faces at the helm of its leadership. The election was conducted in a free and fair atmosphere through secret ballot voting at Kim Tae hall. The elections officer, Mr. David Lee exuded excellence as he guided the exercise stage by stage ensuring that things were done as per the letter. He began by reading the election by laws as a reminder before the exercise began. He proceeded to listing the offices to be filled where he guided members in proposing three nominees per position, a prerequisite for voting. In the process, a tie in the position of the president was witnessed. This caused a re run between the two, which saw Festo Ominde emerging the winner. Kande Koroma was elected as the secretary, Jane Asiime as the treasure and Patrick Njoroge as the events co-ordinator.

Mr.Festo Ominde brings with him a wealth of experience in business and church ministry. Such a combination gives him the capacity to steer the KUSAF engine along the Y axis in the Cartesian plane of progress.The ordained Anglican clergy of Maseno West Diocese in Kenya, is a graduate of Uganda Christian University with A bachelor of Divinity degree. The father of four is a second year student in Master of Divinity programme. When asked about the way forward, he speaks of a mission where members impact one another through exploitation of potential within areas of expertise geared towards changing the community. He sees it as a part of continuity of the vision laid by the predecessor. He envisages team work within KUSAF family where all leaders will find their placement for growth and effectiveness.

The new secretary general, Kande Koroma is a seasoned minister with eight years experience in Para-church organisation; Scripture Union of Sierra Leone and Campus Crusade for Christ. The licensed minister of Assemblies of God Mission has served as a youth pastor and a sectional leader. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and History, and also holds a Diploma in Theology .The Sierra Leonean who is a freshman in Master of Divinity programme is an active member of English Chapel worship team. He is married and blessed with a son and two daughters. Mr.Koroma has a vision of preaching and teaching the wholesome truth for the transformation of families and nations, ensuring Christian maturity and nation building. On KUSAF agenda, he looks forward to facilitating wholestic development of members, and enhancing mutual love, unity and concern for one another.

Mr. Patrick Njoroge holds the newly created docket of events coordinator. The father of two daughters (Winnie and Joy) was born and raised up in central province of Kenya. Mr.Pato or Njoro as commonly known has a wide cross cultural experience. He travelled to South Africa for mission work and later moved on to Botswana where he worked as a Maths tutor in the University of Botswana till 2001. As if destiny was beckoning, he travelled back to South Africa upon which he met his wife Elizabeth and tied the knot in 2002.Patrick became a practicing Christian as a high school student in form one thereafter he got involved in the praise and worship team of the Christian Union. He later joined Moi University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Double Maths. The first year Master of Divinity student is equally endowed with entrepreneurship skills which he hopes to explore as a mission. His vision is to see the development of the whole person in Christian ministry. On his docket, he believes that KUSAF can be appreciated through events and forums in Korea where the team can demonstrate its potential through involving in promotion and publicity exercises. He sees the possibility of having an African night-an exhibition in every semester.

Jane Asiime is the new treasurer for the group. The third year bachelor of Education student is one of the founding members of KUSAF. Jane is a talented lady who has demonstrated and participated in promotion of Africa’s quality in various forums within and without Kosin. The Rwandese missionary lady has travelled in various countries within East Africa to spread the wholistic gospel. She has held leadership positions at her local church and has a mission of transformation through Christian Education.

About kusaf

Kosin University Students from Africa Forum. Raising Christian Leaders to Transform Africa

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